
  • 로지텍 새로운 로고를 선보여
    News 2015. 7. 9. 09:31

    마우스, 키보드에서 꾸준히 강세를 보이고 있는 로지텍이 새로운 로고를 선보였다. 결코 쉽게 변하지 않는 확고한 이름들이 있다. 구글, 애플, 마이크로소프트, 페이스북 등 큰 브랜드 뿐아니라 작은 브랜드들도 그런 경우가 있는데, 로지텍이 특히 그렇다.

    Logitech rebrands, shows off new Logi logo

    There are certain names in the tech world you never really expect to change: Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook are some of the big ones, but smaller brands also fall into this category. One of those is Logitech, but it turns out I’m completely wrong on that front. Logitech is changing, and its future products will carry the shorter brand name of Logi.

    I find this surprising as Logitech is such a well-known and respected name. Buy a Logitech peripheral and you know you’re getting a product that’s going to work well and continue to work for a long time without issue. At least, that’s been my experience. But Logitech is branching out beyond PC peripherals into a number of new categories, and that apparently needs a brand transformation.

    The change is a little confusing. The Logitech logo has been updated to use the new Logi logo with tech bolted on to the end. It seems the Logitech name is being retained, but new products will be branded Logi, or at least new products in new categories will be Logi products. We may still see the Logitech name used on some peripherals related to tech, but the Logi name will appear on “select products in existing categories.”

    Logitech logo

    We don’t know what the first Logi-branded product will be beyond the teaser image you can see above.

    I suspect Logi is going to be more lifestyle products, using vibrant colors and much heavier marketing targeted towards non-typical tech buyers. Logitech is attempting to be more like Apple, perhaps?

    Dumping the Logitech name completely would be a mistake in my opinion, and for now that doesn’t seem to be the case. It may head that way in a few years, but a lot will depend on just how successful the Logi branding is. If it’s a range of products made to the same standard as Logitech peripherals that have gone before, it should do just fine.



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